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"Woof it up with our Funny Dog Gift Wrap and add a touch of humor to your gift-giving game. We take eco-friendliness seriously, which is why our wrapping paper is crafted from recycled content paper, making it a guilt-free choice for all dog lovers. The designs, printed with low VOC ink, are sure to bring a smile to everyone's face, including your furry friends. So, go ahead and wrap those presents with laughter, knowing that you're choosing the planet-friendly, eco-conscious route – because who said being eco-friendly couldn't be funny too?


* Eco-friendly Paper

* Printed using GreenGuard UL Certified inks

* Finish:  Satin or Matte 

* Sizes:  30" X 20", 30" X 72" and 30" X 144"

Funny Dog Gift Wrap

PriceFrom $9.99
  • Return Policy

    No returns or exchanges: Please contact Elliroo & Co. about any issues or damages with an order within 3 days.

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