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When it comes to gift wrapping, why not spread the love to the environment too? By using eco-friendly gift wrap, you can feel good about your present while making a positive impact on the planet. Let's dive into the benefits of embracing these sustainable options: First and foremost, using eco-friendly gift wrap helps reduce your carbon footprint. Traditional gift wrap is often made from materials that contribute to deforestation and are non-recyclable. In contrast, Elliroo & Co’s eco-friendly options utilize recycled content paper, which helps conserve precious resources and reduce the demand for new materials. By choosing sustainable gift wrap, you're also supporting sustainable practices. From the production to the disposal stage, eco-friendly gift wrap takes into account the entire lifecycle and aims to minimize environmental harm. It's like giving a big thumbs-up to Mother Nature!


Now, let's talk about low VOC ink, which is another perk of Elliroo & Co. eco-friendly gift wrap. Unlike conventional inks, low VOC ink emits fewer volatile organic compounds, reducing air pollution and potential health risks. So not only are you protecting the planet, but you're also looking out for your loved ones' well-being. Talk about a win-win! Last but not least, eco-friendly gift wrap promotes recycling and waste reduction. Our options are biodegradable, ensuring they won't stick around in landfills for eternity. Plus, by using recycled content paper or choosing reusable wrapping techniques, you're actively taking part in the sustainable cycle of reducing, reusing, and recycling. Overall, using eco-friendly gift wrap is a fantastic way to show your love for both the recipient and the planet. So, the next time you're wrapping a present, consider these benefits and make a difference. Go green, gift green!


Purple and blue paisley pattern


Dog, rainbows, paw prints and bones pattern


Daschunds in plaid sweaters pulling sled


Black dog silouettes on polka dot background


Blue, purple and pink hydrangea flower pattern


Blue and tan herringbone pattern


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